Background Checks for Pennsylvania

Do you need to get a background check from the Office of Early Childhood (OEC)? If you do and you lived outside of Connecticut within the last 5 years, you also need to request a background check from the state you lived in. It’s a key step in completing your OEC background check. You can’t work in a program unsupervised until your background check status is either “work supervised” or “current.”

To get a background check from Pennsylvania, you have to do 3 things:

Step 1. Get a Pennsylvania criminal history check

1. Go to the Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History (PATCH) website

Visit the PATCH website.

Select “Submit a New Record Check.”

2. Fill out the online form

The PATCH website will guide you through the process of filling out and submitting your request.

Keep in mind:

  • When prompted to choose “Reason for Request” select “Employment”
  • You will need to pay $22 by credit card

3. Wait for an email with your results

Once your results are ready, the state will email them to you.

Step 2. Get a Pennsylvania child abuse check

1. Go to the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Portal

Visit the Child Welfare Portal website.

Select “Create Individual Account.”

2. Fill out the form online

The website will guide you through the process of creating your account and a password.

When you’re done, you’ll get an email with a prompt to log back in.

3. Create a Clearance Application

Sign into the website using your individual ID and login.

  • Select the “What would you like to do today?” page
  • Select “Access my Clearances Terms and Conditions” page
  • Review and accept the Terms and Conditions
  • Select the “Learn More” page and select “Continue”
  • Select “Create Clearance Application” and follow the prompts for completing the application

Note that:

  • Entering your Social Security Number (SSN) will speed up the process
  • You’ll need to pay a $13 fee by credit or debit card

4. Wait for an email with your results

Within 14 days, you’ll get an email telling you to log back in for the results.

Step 3. Send the results from both checks to OEC

Once you have both the criminal history check and the child abuse check, email the results to

If you prefer, you can also send them:

  • By fax: 860-326-0555 ATTN: Legal division (background checks)
  • By mail:
    ATTN: Legal division (background checks)
    Office of Early Childhood
    450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 303
    Hartford, CT  06103

What’s next?

We’ll consider the results of your results along with rest of your background check.

In the meantime, make sure to complete the other steps in the background check process.

Last updated April 24, 2023