Need help paying for child care or camps, food, or health insurance? Connecticut has many programs and organizations that can help.
Help paying for child care
Contact 2-1-1 Child Care
2-1-1 Child Care can help you learn about about no- or low-cost options for child care. Some child care programs get support that allows them to offer spots for free. Others may have open spots at a lower cost, based on your family income. Just dial 2-1-1 or visit 2-1-1 Child Care.
Learn about Care 4 Kids
Care 4 Kids helps working families with low incomes pay for child care. Visit the Care 4 Kids site or call 888-214-KIDS (5437) to find out more. You can also use their online tool to see if your family meets the income requirements.
Find affordable child care through OEC-funded programs
In Connecticut, the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) funds subsidized spaces in child care programs, Head Starts, and public school preschools to provide affordable, high-quality early care and education services. If you’re interested, 2-1-1 Child Care can help you find a child care program. Then you’ll have to apply for a spot and meet the program’s eligibility requirements. Learn more about our services.
Look into a Head Start Program
These programs offer free child care and family support to low income families with children age 5 and younger. Call 866-763-6481 or use the Head Start locator to find contact information for a Head Start program near you.
Call your local public school system
Many public schools offer free part-time preschool, special education programs, and before- and after-school programs. Contact the school district where you live to find out more.
Food assistance
Apply for WIC
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) helps women with low incomes buy food for up to six months or a year after their baby is born — and WIC helps some kids up to age 5. Find out how to apply on the WIC website.
Apply for SNAP
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — which used to be called Food Stamps — helps people and families with low incomes afford healthy food. Find out if you’re eligible for these programs or others. Apply for SNAP.
Get the most out of your WIC and SNAP benefits
Connecticut WIC has a helpful fact sheet with guidance about using WIC and SNAP. Read Maximizing Your WIC and SNAP Benefits.
Affordable health care plans
Look into extra help from AccessHealthCT
If you don’t have insurance, you may be able to qualify for extra help paying for it. Check out the Access Health CT website to find out if you qualify for extra help paying for insurance.
Explore ConnectCT
The ConneCT website will help you find out if you qualify for a number of programs that offer financial help paying for medical care, like HUSKY (also called Medicaid). Go to ConneCT.