OEC Announces Changes to Family Child Care Home Regulations Effective March 19, 2021
Last updated March 8, 2021
The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) is pleased to announce that the revisions to the family child care licensing regulations will be effective March 19, 2021. Please visit our Statutes and Regulations page to access to the following materials:
- A copy of the notice sent to all licensed family child care providers on 3/5/21 (via email and regular mail)
- A plain language summary of the regulation changes
- A copy of the regulations with old language bracketed and new language underlined (a clean copy of the regulations will be posted once available)
- A video presentation of the key changes to the regulations
Licensed providers are encouraged to reach out to the OEC Licensing Help Desk at 860-500-4450 or their Licensing Specialist with any questions they may have.