To order CT ELDS and CT DOTS materials, complete this online form.
Copies of the following documents may be requested online and picked up on a monthly basis on the second Friday of the month between 10am and noon. All requests, including the quantity of each document to be picked up and the location, must be submitted no later than noon on the first Friday of the month in order to be eligible for that month’s pick-up. There will be limited availability of boxes/or bags at pick up locations so those requesting documents will be expected to bring necessary containers for transporting requested documents.
- CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS)
- CT ELDS Action Guides
- The CT Documentation and Observation for Teaching System (CT DOTS) Observation Progression Book
- CT DOTS User’s Manual
- CT DOTS Flipchart (Note: the flipcharts are packaged with paper band and are hole-punched in the upper left hand corner but do not come with metal rings)
Last updated June 15, 2020