To better serve parents and children in Connecticut, the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) works together with other agencies on a number of important initiatives. Learn more about our interagency work.
Serving a crucial role in helping OEC implement the Birth to Three system in Connecticut. See their website.
Creating opportunities and meeting the needs of 2 generations — parents and their children. Learn more about 2Gen.
A network of local partnerships creating positive outcomes for Connecticut’s children and families. Learn more about the Collective on their website
OEC regularly collaborates with the state agency tasked with oversight and support of local school districts serving children from preschool through Grade 12. Visit the OEC-CSDE Collaborations Page.
Oversees activities and initiatives that build on strengths and address needs for low-income children and families in the state. Learn about the Connecticut Head Start State Collaboration Office.
Works to develop a high-quality, comprehensive system of early childhood education among the wide array of early childhood programs in Connecticut. Visit the Early Childhood Cabinet webpage.
Works to improve the coordination of home visiting services in the state’s early childhood system. Read more about the Home Visiting Consortium.
Partnership between OEC and the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) that invests money in Connecticut’s lab school programs — both to support young children and help recruit the next generation of professionals. Learn more about LSII.
Composed of parents from across the state, the Parent Cabinet advises OEC on how to improve the experiences of young children and their families. To learn more, visit the OEC Parent Cabinet website page.