The CT Department of Education (CSDE) is the state agency tasked with oversight and support of local school districts serving children from preschool through Grade 12. OEC regularly partners with CSDE to coordinate policy, create resources, and otherwise support high quality early education for young children in Connecticut. Often these collaborations involve other agencies and organizations. Below are examples of resources and initiatives that have resulted from this ongoing collaboration.
- In 2018, CSDE, OEC and the Connecticut Early Childhood Funder’s Collaborative released Full, Equitable, and Equal Partnerships with Families: Connecticut’s Definition of Family Engagement. This resource is designed to support strong partnerships between families and educators. This resource highlights guiding principles and includes examples of high-impact strategies for engaging with families.
- This joint statement regarding Children who Attend Child Care and Receive Support Services highlights how cross-sector collaboration can promote inclusive practices and ensure that children and families receive the best combination of services possible.
- OEC and CSDE continue to collaborate in order to promote smooth transitions for children and families that move from the Birth to Three system into preschool special education services. The CSDE Early Childhood Special Education webpage highlights many of these resources.
For more information about the CT State Department of Education, please visit their website.
Last updated June 5, 2023