CCDF Plan Updates

The table below highlights OEC’s updates to the Federal Child Care Development Fund Plan (CCDF) for Connecticut for 2019—2021. Read the complete updated CCDF plan for Connecticut.

Section of CCDF planPlan update

Eligibility criteria based on family income.

State Median Income (SMI)

Updated the SMI levels based on Federal Poverty Guidelines updated.  Effective date of change October 1, 2019.

Selected Annual and Monthly State Median Income Guideline October 1, 2019- September 30,2020

Policies and processes for graduated phase-out of assistance at redetermination.

Income Eligibility has increased for Current Care 4 Kids Families at Redetermination.
Effective October 1, 2019, Care 4 Kids will provide a second income eligibility threshold of < 65% of state median income (SMI) to families whose redetermination date is 10/01/2019 and beyond.  This means that a family will remain on the program if they meet all program eligibility requirements and their income is < 65% SMI at redetermination.

3.2.6 (a)
Lead Agencies must establish a grace period that allows homeless children and
children in foster care to receive CCDF assistance while providing their families with a
reasonable time to take any necessary actions to comply with immunization and other
health and safety requirements (as described in section 5). The length of such a grace
period shall be established in consultation with the state, territorial, or tribal health
agency (658E(c)(2)(I)(i)(I); 98.41(a)(1)(i)(C)).

Grace period for Foster Children 

Effective July 1, 2019 Public Act 19-121  Sections 2 & 3  which provides a 45-day grace period to foster children to comply with immunization and other health and safety requirements. 

Provide the base payment rates and percentiles (based on the most recent MRS) for
the following categories below. Percentiles are not required if the Lead Agency 
conducted an alternative methodology only (with pre-approval from ACF), but must be reported if the Lead Agency conducted an MRS alone or in combination with an
alternative methodology. The ages and types of care listed below are meant to provide a
snapshot of the categories on which rates can be based and are not intended to be
comprehensive of all categories that might exist or to reflect the terms used by the Lead
Agency for particular ages. Please use the most populous geographic region (area
serving highest number of CCDF children) to report base payment rates below, if they
are not statewide. Note: If the Lead Agency obtained approval to conduct an alternative
methodology, then reporting of percentiles is not required.

Provider Reimbursement Rate Increase

July 1, 2019 
The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) and the Connecticut State Employees Association (CSEA-SEIU Local 2001) agreement approved a rate increase to Licensed Family Child Care.   
Licensed Family Reimbursement Rates effective October 2018-June 2022

Unlicensed Family Reimbursement Rates Effective October 2018- June 2022

September 1, 2019
 A rate increases for Child Care Center, Group Child Care Home, and Licensed-Exempt Providers.

Licensed/Exempt Center-Based, Group Child Care, and Camps Reimbursement Rates Effective September 1, 2019

Lead Agencies must certify that CCDF payment rates are sufficient to ensure equal
access for eligible families to child care services comparable to those provided by
families not receiving CCDF assistance (98.16(a)). Certify that payment rates reported in
4.3.1 are sufficient to ensure equal access by providing the following summary of facts

Provider Reimbursement Rate Increase

Subsidy payment rate increase for family child care 7/1/19 and licensed center 9/1/2019 allowing equal access for families.

4.5.1 (c) 
Certify by identifying and describing the payment practices below that the Lead
Agency has implemented for all CCDF child care providers.

ii. Paying for reasonable mandatory registration fees that the provider charges to
private-paying parents.

Reimbursement for Mandatory Registration Fees

Effective October 1, 2019, Care 4 Kids providers, excluding unlicensed relatives that charge a mandatory registration fee to families can request reimbursement for the registration fee during the child’s eligibility period.  Providers should download the revised Parent Provider Agreement (PPA) form to request this reimbursement.
Last updated July 28, 2020