Guidance for New Designated Directors

As a new child care center director, you play a crucial role in shaping the early educational experiences of children. Your leadership will also guide staff development, curriculum planning, and parent engagement.

This page will help you get started — it outlines things you need to do that will help ensure a smooth transition.

Step 1: Submit an online notification of change form

OEC needs to know whenever a program gets a new director. Use our online form to tell us some key information — like your name, the date you were hired, and your work schedule.

Step 2: Get administrator access

OEC has 3 online tools that you’ll need to use as director of a child care center. It’s important to get administrator access to them as soon as possible. If the previous director loses access before you get it, you could face delays in hiring staff or enrolling children.

Get administrator access in BCIS (for all directors)

The Background Check Information System (BCIS) allows you to review background check status for an employee or prospective employee and more. Learn how to use the BCIS roster as an administrator.

Get administration access in the Registry (for all directors)

OEC’s Early Childhood Professional Registry is a free workforce resource for all early childhood settings. As an administrator, you can use it to verify education and training for staff. Learn how to get administration access to the Registry.

Get administrator access in ECE Reporter (if your program receives state funds)

If your program receive state funds, you’re required to use ECE Reporter to share data with OEC. Access the ECE Reporter user guide.

Step 3: Take an administration course

All child care center directors are required to take at least 3 credits in either:

  • Administration of early childhood education programs
  • Educational administration

You must take these credits:

  • From an  institution of  higher  education  that is either
    • Accredited  by the Board  of Governors of Higher Education
    • Regionally accredited
  • Within 1 year of starting your position as director

Schools that offer these courses in Connecticut include:

Please apply for OEC scholarship through your Registry account to cover the cost of the course. Many offer online options.

Step 4: Get help from a licensing specialist

Now that you’re a director, you may have lots of questions, like:

  • What happens during a licensing inspection and how can I prepare for the visit?
  • How do I organize my paperwork?
  • What is considered a hazard in my child care environment?
  • How do I make sense of the regulations book?
  • Where can I find information and resources that I need?

OEC offers free technical assistance to newly-designated directors of licensed child care programs. One of our licensing specialists can come visit your program.

Make a request for support from your licensing specialist.


We’re here to help. Contact the helpdesk.
Phone: 860-500-4450 

Last updated May 10, 2024