Step 1: Complete the youth camp application form
You’ll need to renew your youth camp’s license every year.
Step 2: Fill out the Youth camp director/alternate director application (if needed)
If OEC hasn’t previously approved a director or alternate director, you need to complete the Youth Camp Director/Alternate Director application.
If OEC has previously approved a director or alternate director, you can skip this step.
Step 3: Pay the fee and send us your application
You will need to pay a fee to renew your license.
- Non-profit youth camp: $315
- For-profit youth camp: $815
Make a check or money order payable to “Treasurer State of Connecticut” to submit with your form. Send your complete renewal form and payment to:
Office of Early Childhood
Division of Licensing
450 Columbus Blvd. Suite 302
Hartford, CT 06103
We’re here to help! If you have questions or want to file a complaint, call us at 860-500-4450 or 800-282-6063.
You can also look up the licensing supervisor for your town to contact them directly.