Early Care and Education Provider Business Support RFP

OEC is pleased to announce an RFP for the opportunity to provide statewide business support to Connecticut’s early care and education (ECE) providers!


While many ECE providers are experts in programming for young children, they may also lack the requisite business knowledge to have a thriving and healthy business. Therefore, OEC seeks one vendor to provide a dedicated statewide business support team with expertise in all facets of healthy business practices, with the goal of retaining and expanding capacity of child care slots in sustainable licensed ECE programs. Key activities include:

  • Business related training
  • Individualized in-depth technical assistance
  • Distribution and tracking of grants and incentives
  • Partnering with OEC for review and coordination of business supports across OEC initiatives

This RFP will have the vendor implement a system promoting a continuous quality improvement business mindset. This system requires intentional design, collaboration, and an understanding of licensed ECE providers, funding, start up and ongoing operational needs, and capacity gaps across the state.

The interconnectedness of the business structure, skills, and support is fundamental to ensuring Connecticut’s licensed ECE programs are safe, quality spaces with educated and dedicated staff working within a healthy and sustainable business model for all staff and families.

Key Dates

RFP Release DateThursday January 18, 2024
RFP Bidder’s Conference (Register here)Monday January 29, 2024; 10:00AM EST
Recommended Letter of Intent DueMonday February 5, 2024; 5:00PM EST
Deadline for QuestionsMonday February 19, 2024; 5:00PM EST
Proposals DueThursday February 29, 2024; 5:00PM EST

RFP Documents


Email OEC at oec.rfp.eceqi@ct.gov.

Last updated February 23, 2024