One-Time Distribution of COVID-19 Home Tests and N95 Masks for Licensed Child Care Programs
Distribution on Tuesday January 4, 2022
Governor Lamont has prioritized making COVID-19 rapid home tests available to licensed child care programs — including Child Care Centers, Group Child Care Homes, Family Child Care Homes, and operating Youth Camps — to support staff and families, recognizing that child care is part of our critical educational and workforce infrastructure.
This is planned as a one-time distribution, in response to the high utilization of testing in light of the recent spike in cases. This distribution will support programs as Connecticut anticipates the federal distribution of COVID-19 rapid tests. In addition to tests, N95 masks will also be available for child care programs.
Why are these tests and masks being provided?
The OEC is providing these masks and rapid home tests to help further protect staff, children, and families. The rapid home tests are to be used to screen those who are symptomatic, to determine who should not be present in the child care program. Masks provide maximum protection for direct care staff, given high transmission in the state at this time.
The test kits are provided to address these 3 needs:
- If a child or staff person exhibits symptoms and needs to be screened for COVID-19
- If a child or staff member has a direct exposure to an individual with COVID-19
- If a class or program is experiencing multiple cases of COVID-19, a provider may want to distribute tests to families in that classroom if they have difficulty accessing tests
Each child care program will distribute available tests to staff and families based on these needs. For students or staff that have had COVID-19 in the last 90 days, there is no need to test for COVID-19 again. These individuals do not need to be prioritized for test distribution.
Additionally: For the period January 2, 2022 through January 17, 2022, the testing requirement, as provided in Memo 45, is being amended to temporarily allow for self-reported and administered home testing.
How do we access tests and masks?
Providers may access distribution sites for their allocation of masks and tests. For immediate distribution, we have received approximately 25% of the total number of home tests ordered.
Tests and masks are available for child care providers to pick up, on Tuesday, January 4th, from 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM, at 1 Hartford Square, East Gate, New Britain. The Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and OEC will distribute masks and tests. Licensed Child Care Providers and operating Youth Camps may go to this location to pick up their currently available allocation of tests and masks. Look for signs for Siracusa Emergency Services.
The remaining 75% of the OEC supply will be planned with the Regional Emergency Management teams for pick up. OEC will notify you of pick up dates and times in the regions. Regions are listed with Towns in the chart at the bottom of this document.
Can groups organize for pick up for multiple providers?
Yes. We encourage communities, family child care networks, providers, and others to collaborate to coordinate pick up at the New Britain or regional locations. An allocation will be provided for each licensed provider. For Family Child Care, where there are fewer tests needed due to lower licensed capacity, the full allotment will be picked up one time – either Tuesday or at the Regional site. For centers, there will be a portion of their allocation available Tuesday, and the balance at the regional distribution locations on the announced dates. Programs may choose to wait and pick up 100% of their test and mask allocation at the Regional distribution site.
What documentation is required to obtain masks and tests?
Providers must bring a copy or photograph of their valid OEC child care license, or a signed letter from the program administrator/owner including license number. For those picking up for multiple providers, bring copies of licenses or a list of providers (including DCFH, DCGH, DCCC or YCYC and license number), license name, and town.