Hot weather updates

Last updated June 20, 2024

Hot weather is upon us! OEC wants to share a few resources and reminders to help keep you and your children and families cool and safe from excessive heat.

The Governor has activated the Extreme Hot Weather Protocol through Sunday June 23, 2024. This protocol activates systems of support including cooling centers for those who need it. To locate the nearest cooling center call 2-1-1 or see the list on their website

The Regulations for Connecticut State Agencies require that programs ensure drinking water is accessible to children at all times. These links provide information to protect children from extreme heathow to spot heat related illness, and a resource that combines what to look for and what to do for heat-related illnesses.

And because car safety is so important when it is this hot, feel free to share and post this helpful reminder sheet called Look Before You Lock.

Keep cool! Stay safe!