OEC Webinar: Child Care Program Stabilization Funding

Last updated April 26, 2021

The OEC will provide a webinar on Thursday, April 29 at 10:00 am to share information on stabilization funding for child care programs from Federal Relief Funds. These funds will support COVID-19 related expenses and continued operations of licensed child care programs (DCCC, DCGH, DCFH) and licensed-exempt programs serving Care 4 Kids families (DCEX). The webinar will address eligibility, application, payment and technical assistance.

Child Care Program Stabilization Fund Webinar, Thursday, April 29, 10:00 am.

Click here to join the webinar.

Note that there’s no registration and you won’t receive any reminders. When you join there will be instructions on how to access subtitles in Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the OEC website in English and Spanish, https://www.ctoec.org/covid-19/webinars/.