The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) is excited to announce the launch of a Workforce Pipeline Pilot. The goal of the Workforce Pipeline Pilot is to address the current workforce shortage through recruitment and on the job training.
There are currently several Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce training programs working to address the lack of available child care due to the shortage of trained and skilled workers. OEC is investing over one million dollars to support these currently operating workforce training programs in Connecticut that serve as entry ramps to careers in early childhood education. OEC wants to learn from existing models and help support participation and training options for participants by providing a grant to fund eligible programs that have the ability to expand.
The Workforce Pipeline Pilot is optional. Grant funds will cover administrative costs and participant salary, travel, CPR training, 3 credit college course and materials. Awards will vary depending on the number of program participants.
Applicant requirements
- Currently operates a work training program designed to prepare participants for early childhood classrooms.
- ECE site must have been licensed as of 3/11/21.
- Have a system in place to pay participants $15/hour during their training.
- Have the ability for participants work in the classroom alongside a teacher who holds a minimum of an associate degree and five years of ECE experience.
- Cannot count the participants towards the staff-to-child ratio for three months from start date.
- Have an alignment with a Community College or other agency that can lead to credits towards a CDA or Associate degree.
- Have the ability to enroll participants in the OEC Registry for early childhood staff.
- Have data on current participants and collect data on additional participants related to recruitment, retention, progress, connections to Higher Education systems, job readiness, job placement.
- Report progress to OEC as requested and at the completion of program.
- Have the capacity and processes in place to expend funds need to be spent by August 31, 2022.
- Programs will be required to submit a final report (programmatic and fiscal) to OEC.
- Complete the online application and attest to terms and conditions contained in OEC’s award.
RFA key dates
RFA released | May 25, 2022 |
Applications due | June 22, 2022 |
Grant funds spent by | 3 month program – September 14, 2022 6 month program – Dec 14, 2022 |
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