Instructions for Submitting an Elevate Program Plan in the OEC 360 Provider Portal

Creating and submitting an Elevate Program Plan is now even easier. Our new OEC 360 Provider Portal is intuitive and mobile friendly.

If you’ve had any trouble using the tool, this page gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

On this page

Step 1: Log in to the OEC 360 Provider Portal

OEC 360 Provider Portal access

The OEC 360 Provider Portal is a NEW system within the OEC.

Our new system is a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use way for you to share your plans with OEC. You can use your developing plans to help you complete and submit the Elevate Program Plan.

Log into your OEC 360 Provider Portal Account to complete your Elevate Program Plan.

An e-mail has been sent to ALL providers from “OEC Provider Sandbox” with instructions on how to access the OEC 360 Provider Portal. The e-mail went to the listed administrator of the program in the Registry. You may need to check your spam folder if it did not come to your inbox. Missed it? Request my access.

Having problems logging in?

After you log in, you’ll see the dashboard.

If you don’t see your program(s) on your dashboard, click on the Connect to Your Program button.

Family child care home and single programs
Family child care home and single programs
If you are an FCC program or have 1 program, you will see 1 program tile on your dashboard.
Multiple programs
Multiple programs
If you are associated with multiple programs, each program will have its own tile on your dashboard.
Elevate Program Plans
Elevate Program Plans
You can submit an Elevate Program Plan for each program or license number that meets the requirements.
Screenshot of the Provider Portal displaying connected programs and an arrow indicating the view summary button.

Find the Elevate tile by clicking on the arrow in the program summary bar. Click on the View Details button under Elevate.

Now, click on Add New Plan to start the process.

You’ll see a few sections. Click on the drop-down arrows for each one to open it and fill it out. Note that:

  • If you’re a family child care provider, you’ll have to fill out 2 sections
  • If you’re a child care center or group home, you’ll have to fill out 4 sections

After you finish a section, don’t forget to click save. If you don’t, your information will be lost. You can’t save a section until you complete it.

This is a place for you to share information about your connections to OEC and its partners. These questions have yes/no answers.

This section is where you will develop your plan for growth and continuous quality improvement. Get guidance on setting SMART Goals and completing the other sections of your plan.

This plan outlines a common goal for learning for all of the staff in your program as a team. Learn more about creating professional development plans. You’ll need to include:  

  • SMART Goals: Please add at least one SMART Goal to your Elevate Program Plan. You can add up to 3 SMART Goals total.
  • Action steps: These are the small steps to make each goal achievable. Use bullet points here and keep it simple!
  • Progress review date: Enter the date you think this goal will be achieved.

You’re required to complete a plan for all educators in your program and keep them on file. However, you only need to submit 1 sample plan into the tool as part of your submission.

This sample plan is just for one educator in your program. It helps us understand the approach you’re taking with your staff.

Go back and review all parts of your plan before you submit.

Once you submit your Plan, it’s sent to OEC and you can’t make any more changes.

You made it! Don’t forget to hit Submit.

Please review all of the parts of your submission if you see this red banner pop up. It means you didn’t fill in a required field.

After you submit, we’ll send you a confirmation email that your plan was submitted. Learn about the next steps in the process.

Get help

Submit a ticket to the OEC help desk if you have trouble logging into the OEC 360 Provider Portal.

Complete the form as pictured below.

Screenshot of the Provider Portal displaying the Open a New Ticket screen.

Last updated July 31, 2024