Self-reflection Checklists

Use these self-reflection checklists to help guide you to the next step towards your program improvement goals.

OEC worked with NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) to develop these tailored tools for child care programs. You can use these checklists to:

  • Reflect on program strengths and needs
  • Create SMART Goals for an Elevate Program Plan
  • Assist with accreditation self-study process

Reflect on where your program is right now 

Think about your child care program as it is right now. What are its strengths? What are its growth areas? Do you have any data you can use? Consider:

  • Feedback from families
  • Feedback from staff
  • Information about the children in your care
  • Reflections from self-assessment tools or program observations
  • Your program’s financial situation 
  • Your program’s licensing or health inspection reports   
Supportive Interactions Checklist
Environmental Checklist
Communicating with Families Checklist
Playful Learning Checklist
Planning Learning Experiences Checklist
Get help

If you need help walking through the steps of creating an Elevate Program Plan, reach out to your OEC Service Navigator or Staffed Family Child Care Network.

Last updated January 16, 2025