Get Accredited

Becoming accredited means you’ve worked hard to achieve national distinction as a high quality program. 

Elevate offers support for programs working toward accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC). We also cover both NAEYC and NAFCC accreditation fees.

Head Start programs are also considered approved or “accredited” and can become a Member Accredited in Elevate. Head Start programs are administered by the Office of Head Start (OHS)

Take action

Get help from a Service Navigator

Our Service Navigators are experienced guides who can talk about your program’s needs and find ways to meet them. Connect with a Service Navigator.

Create an account on the NAEYC Accreditation Portal

Is your program center-based or license-exempt? The NAEYC Accreditation Portal gives you access to helpful resources that support accreditation. Register for an account.

Learn about self-study

Self-study is a method for comparing your program with accreditation standards. It will help you identify strengths and areas where you can improve. Learn about self-study for center-based programs and for family child care providers.

Learn about the advantages of accreditation

Wondering if you should pursue accreditation? Get an overview of the benefits.

Explore key resources

Ready to dive deeper?

Check out some more resources to help you get accredited.


Last updated March 11, 2024