Explore a wonder-full career
Early childhood teachers shape children’s lives every day. Join the heroes that build young brains, laugh together while learning, experience the aha! moments, and guide tomorrow’s learners and leaders. Enjoy rewarding work that matters: become an early childhood teacher.
If you’re thinking about a career in early childhood education, ctSHARES is a great resource. They have listings for all sorts of teaching jobs — and you can even apply online. See the ctSHARES job board.
Have an impact
Early learning experiences help shape children’s development. Early childhood teachers use their training and skills to engage with children to help them learn and grow, teaching key life skills — from social and emotional skills to physical development to early language skills. This work lays the foundation for children’s long-term success in school and life.
A path for everyone
There are many different types of child care programs and ways to work with children from birth to age five. Careers in early childhood education (ECE) include family home programs, center-based programs, and community programs.
Below you will find information to help choose the career option that’s right for you.
Find a job
Get started
There are many paths you can take for a career in early childhood education. Certificate and degree requirements can vary based on the setting and position. Learn more about beginning your career in early care and education.
Search job openings
Search open positions posted by licensed early childhood education programs and apply today. Simply create a free account and log in for access to various tools and supports. Check out CTshares.
Explore workforce resources
Unlock essential information and tools for aspiring providers in Connecticut using the CT Early Childhood Professional Registry. Visit the Registry.
Build a career
Find a school
Many colleges and universities in Connecticut offer certificate and degree programs in early childhood education. Find the school that’s right for you on My Next Move.
Apply for a scholarship
The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) offers scholarships to eligible students currently working in the field to help pay for their coursework in early childhood education. Apply today!
Get guidance on opening a new program
Learn about the types of child care programs in Connecticut, how to develop your business, and where you can get support. Find resources to help you open a new program.