The Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS) help families, communities, and schools work together to support children’s early learning and growth across all settings.
These videos — which OEC developed with Eastern Connecticut State University’s Center for Early Childhood Education — offer an overview of how to use them in the classroom.

The CT ELDS: A Valuable Tool for Supporting Young Children (12:39)
Learn how to incorporate the early learning and development standards in your planning and teaching.

Fostering Essential Dispositions in Young Children (11:13)
Learn about the 6 essential dispositions of competent learners.

Supporting Children’s Learning in Dramatic Play Centers (4 videos)
Learn how to use dramatic play to provide learning opportunities.

Reflections from the Field (ongoing series)
Teachers and family child care providers reflect on their practices and experiences working with young children.

Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Development (14 videos)
Teachers, caregivers, and experts describe how they reflect on their own feelings before responding to children’s behavior

Supporting Mathematical Development in Young Children (4 videos)
Learn how child learn to count and how to support their development.