Guidance on Implementing the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards
![]() | A Guide to the Domains and Strands (Spanish) provides additional information about each domain and strand within the CT ELDS. The document includes general information about development in each of these areas as well as strategies to support development across the age bands. |
![]() | Building Meaningful Curriculum (Spanish) addresses using the CT ELDS as a basis for curriculum that is intentional, responsive and reflective. This document includes information about the core components of high quality early childhood curriculum and includes a tool to support the development or review of curriculum documents. |
![]() | Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners (Spanish)considers the processes that ensure full access, meaningful participation and benefit from learning experiences related to the CT ELDS for ALL children. |
![]() | Dual Language Learners (Spanish) includes information about the unique learning needs of young children learning more than one language. Strategies to support children and planning processes are discussed. |
![]() | A Guide for Families (Spanish) includes many sections to share with families, providing information about the CT ELDS and how families can support their child’s development within the context of daily routines and activities. |
![]() | The CT ELDS to Kindergarten Standards Crosswalk includes CT ELDS indicators for 3-4 years and 4-5 years, and aligned end-of kindergarten standards. This document can help providers plan how they will extend learning for children developmentally ready to being learning skills and outlined in the kindergarten standards. |
The following videos were developed in collaboration with Eastern Connecticut State University’s Center for Early Childhood Education. These videos, and the associated training materials, were designed to support implementation of the CT ELDS.

The CT ELDS: A Valuable Tool for Supporting Young Children (12:39)
This video illustrates how early childhood providers can meaningfully incorporate the early learning and development standards in their planning and teaching.

Fostering Essential Dispositions in Young Children (11:13) This video illustrates six essential dispositions of competent learners, and provides support to early childhood professionals on how they can promote these dispositions in young children.

Supporting Children’s Learning in Dramatic Play Centers These five videos illustrate the importance of dramatic play for child development, and provide examples of how early childhood professionals have used dramatic play centers to provide learning opportunities across domains.

Reflections from the Field: Teachers and family child care providers reflect on their practices and experiences working with young children. Ten videos are available, including: Building Community in the Preschool Classroom, Supporting Flexibility in the Toddler Classroom, and When the Unexpected Happens: Seizing the Teachable Moment

Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Development: This series of two videos discusses the importance of considering the different factors, including the classroom environment, that influence children’s behavior. Teachers, caregivers, and experts describe how they reflect on their own feelings before responding to children’s behavior.

Supporting Mathematical Development in Young Children: This series of thirteen short videos describes young children’s development of counting and cardinality, and includes examples of early learning experiences that will support that development.
CT ELDS Alignment Documents
These documents show how the CT ELDS align to other standards documents, including kindergarten and Head Start standards.
CT ELDS and Kindergarten Alignment
This documents can help teachers plan to support children who y have already mastered some of the skills outlined in the CT ELDS, can help with planning for transitions, and can be used when preschools and kindergartens work together to align teaching and curriculum.
- CT ELDS to Common Core State Standards Alignment – ELA
- CT ELDS to Common Core State Standards Alignment – Mathematics
- The CT ELDS and the CT Social Studies Framework
- The CT ELDS and the Next Generation Science Standards
Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF) and CT ELDS alignment documents
These documents support programs in meeting the Head Start Performance Standards which require programs to use curricula that are aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF) and state early learning standards. There are two versions of this crosswalk so that programs can use either set of standards as the initial foundation for teaching and learning.