Calculate Your Program Stabilization Payment

We’ll automatically calculate your payment amount when you apply. We base it on data validated by OEC or 2-1-1 Child Care. If you’re interested in the details, you can learn about the formula below.

Step 1: Determine the base payment

Multiply the number of children allowed in your program (your licensed capacity) x $208. That’s your base payment.

Example$208 x 20 children (licensing capacity) = $4,160 base payment

Step 2: If your program serves infants or toddlers, multiply by 1.5

Multiply the base payment (from step 1) by 1.5.

Example$4,160 x 1.5 (infant/toddler multiplier) = $6,240

If your program does not serve infants or toddlers, skip this step.

Step 3: If your program is a child care center or group child care home, multiply by 1.2

Take the number from step 2 and multiply it by 1.2. That’s your total payment.

Example$6,240 x 1.2 (center/group child care home multiplier) = $7,488 total payment

If your program is not a child care center or group child care home, skip this step.

Questions about applying?

We’re happy to help. Call 2-1-1 Child Care at 800-505-1000 or send us an email.

Learn more about Program Stabilization Funding

Last updated July 13, 2023