Family Child Care Homes: Stabilization Funding Round 1 Formula

This page is archived

The information below pertains to round 1 of our stabilization funding, which wound down in 2021. We’re keeping it up for reference.

If you qualify for Child Care Program Stabilization Funding, the amount your program will get is based on a number of factors — your licensed capacity, accreditation status, whether you received Care 4 Kids benefits, and more. 

When you fill out your application, we’ll automatically calculate the funding amount for your program. We base the number on data validated by OEC or 2-1-1 Child Care. You don’t need to do any calculations yourself. However, if you’re curious about specific components of the formula — or want to get a sense of how much funding your program may receive — get the details below.

Use the estimator tool

United Way developed a tool that you can use to estimate the funding for your family child care home program. Use the funding formula estimator for licensed homes.

Understand the formula

There are 2 basic steps to figuring out the amount of funding your family child care home program will get: working out the base amount and adding any bonuses. 

Base amount

You begin determining your base amount by determining your starting rate. That rate may increase depending on additional factors. Here’s the formula.

Starting rate — $440 or $640x Your programs’s adjusted licensed capacityx 1.25 (for being eligible to serve infants/toddlers)= Base amount

This table will explains each of the factors that go into your base amount.

FactorWhat it means
Starting rateThere are 2 possible starting rates:
– $640 per child if your program was reported open October 12-16, 2020
– $440 per child if your program was not reported open October 12-16, 2020

Why are there two different rates? We’re recognizing programs that stayed open or reopened earlier during the pandemic and continued to offer services.
Adjusted licensed capacityYour adjusted licensed capacity is based on your licensed capacity and the number of hours your program is open.
Adjusted licensed capacity = 100% of your licensed capacity if your program is operating 30 hours or more per week
Adjusted licensed capacity = 50% of your licensed capacity if your program is operating less than 30 hours week
Eligible to serve infants and toddlersAll family child care providers automatically get an increased rate for being eligible to serve infants and toddlers (children over age 3).

Once you’ve done those calculations, you have your base amount.


You may get additional funds on top of your base amount if you meet the criteria for any of these 4 bonuses. Here’s the formula for determining bonuses.

Base amount x 0.2 (if accredited) plusBase amount x 0.15 (if receiving C4K benefits) plusBase amount x 0.05 (if open during peak pandemic) plus Base amount x 0.25 (if equity bonus SVI level 1) or x 0.35 (if equity bonus SVI level 2)Equals total bonuses

This table will help you understand whether you qualify for bonuses.

Type of bonusWhat it means
Accreditation Your program has NAFCC accreditation or is Head Start approved.
Care 4 KidsYou program received benefits during at least 1 of the 3 following months: December 2019, December 2020, or March 2021.
Peak PandemicYour program was open on at least 2 of the 3 dates: March 27, 2020; April 20, 2020; May 4, 2020

This bonus is to reward providers who stayed open during the most challenging days of the pandemic.
Equity AdjustmentYour program’s score on the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index
Level 1: SVI greater than or equal to 0.6 and less than 0.8
Level 2: SVI greater than or equal to 0.8

This bonus is intended to acknowledge providers serving and operating in vulnerable communities. The Social Vulnerability Index was created by the CDC and provides a score based on census data for the area where your program is located. Use our child care provider dashboard tool to calculate your SVI.

To get your total funding, just add the base amount and bonuses.

Base amount plusTotal bonusesEquals total funding


Here are a few examples of how the calculations work for 2 different types of family child care homes.

Example 1

Base Amount Factors:

  • Licensed family child care home
  • Stayed open through the pandemic (never closed)
  • Full-Time
  • Capacity of 9 children, including the 3 school age children. 
Base Amount:  Infant/Toddler Bonus
Total Base Amount (I/T bonus 0.25)$7,200            (640 x 1.25 x 9)
Bonuses: C4K = 0.15  Peak Pandemic = 0.05 Level 1 Equity Bonus = 0.25$1,080 + $360 + $1,800
Total Bonus Amount$3,240
Staff CompensationAutomatically Included
Total Funding – Base + Sum of Bonus$10,440

Example 2

Base Amount Factors:

  • Licensed family child care home
  • Accredited
  • Stayed open through pandemic
  • Full-time
  • 9 children enrolled, including the 3 school age children. 
Base Amount:  Infant/Toddler Bonus
Total Base Amount (I/T)$7,200
Bonuses: Accreditation = 0.2 C4K = 0.15  Peak Pandemic = 0.05 Level 1 Equity Bonus = 0.25$1,440 + $1,080 + $360 + $1,800
Total Bonus Amount$11,880
Staff CompensationAutomatically Included
Total Funding$11,880
Last updated June 21, 2023