The information below pertains to round 2 of our stabilization funding, which wound down in 2022. We’re keeping it up for reference.
Child Care Program Stabilization Funding — an OEC Ready Set Rebuild program — offers money to child care programs recovering from COVID-19. Our goal is to help your program become financially secure.
As long as your program meets the basic eligibility requirements, you’ll receive funding.
Is my program eligible for this funding?
To be eligible, your program has to be one of the following:
- Licensed family child care home (DCFH)
- Licensed group child care home (DCGH)
- Licensed child care center (DCCC)
- License-exempt center-based program (DCEX) that is eligible to receive Care 4 Kids funding
In addition, your program must also be:
- Open currently and serving children
- Reopening and serving children with 30 days of submitting your application
How do I apply?
As long as your program is eligible and has a State Supplier ID, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to apply. If you don’t get the email, check your spam folder. We’ll be accepting applications through June 30, 2021.
What’s a State Supplier ID? It’s an identification number that we use to process and distribute funds. If your program already received funding through OEC programs — such as School Readiness, Child Day Care, CT CARES for Child Care, or CTCARES for Child Care Businesses — you should already have a State Supplier ID.
Don’t have a State Supplier ID — or not sure if your program have one?
Have an ID and think you should be eligible, but didn’t get the application email?
Just call 2-1-1 Child Care at 800-505-1000. Be sure to have your license number or license-exempt number handy to speed up the process.
How can my program use this funding?
Your program can use the funds on any costs associated with providing (or preparing to provide) child care during COVID-19. That includes paying for:
- Rent, mortgage, or utilities
- Payroll, benefits, and staff bonuses
- Staff training and professional development
- Maintaining or improving your facility
- Cleaning supplies and PPE
- Consultations with nurses or other medical professionals to ensure a healthy environment
- Mental health supports for staff and children
You can learn more about how you can spend the funds in our FAQ.
How will my program get paid?
Your program can get paid by either direct deposit or by check. Your business office will get 3 separate payments 6 weeks apart. Learn how to set up direct deposit with the Office of the State Comptroller.
Keep in mind that all of these funds are taxable, so maintain records of how you use the funds. Your program also need to spend all of these funds by September 30, 2023.
How do you calculate the amount of money my program will receive?
The amount your program will get is based on a number of factors — its licensed capacity, accreditation status, whether it’s eligible for Care 4 Kids funding, and more. We’ll automatically calculate the amount for you when you apply based on data validated by OEC or 2-1-1 Child Care. If you’re interested in the details, you can learn more about the formula for child care centers and the formula for family child care homes.